-Discussing blogs and the provocative information within them: My blogs on green blood and too much memory. Lynn's on housekeeping. Janna's on connections with mine and other blogs.
***Assignment - Read your classmates blogs and make connections. Expound on them.***
Ecclesiastes - "Remember your keeper in the days of your youth." Just like a human being, the metaphors after that are about a house that is representative of you.
Tai's blog - Marshall McLuhan information and fun.
Be very selective about the blog that you choose to read and expound upon.
ON TEST - Flyting - Verbal assaults such as "Yo' Mamma"
-I was distracted by looking at Free Style "How To's" on the net. He's still talking about the exchange of insults and rhymes in it still anyway, so I must not have missed to much.
****I'll post some free styling tips later ;)****
**** Assignment - Come up with some flyting examples. ***
Bo Diddly came up with great flyting examples. Shakespeare did these as well. I came up with Hook (the movie) Flyting and Branden and some others came up with childhood rhymes.
Books passed around today:
Why Life Speeds Up as you get Older: How Memory shapes our Past - Douwe Draaisma
Techgnosis - Erik Davis
The Book of Memory - Mary Carruthers
There are images for each word. Some people think that this is to hard to memorize item with word. It is a good fight.... could be hard for some.
We've now started talking about the power of SMELLS in your memory. There are connections like none other when you smell something powerful.
This class is about much more than studying for academic purposes, its about remembering those things that have been lost. The important things in life.
**** Work with this in BLOG - Is it possible to remember something before you can speak? Many people don't think so.****
Shakespeare 130 - Remembrance of things past - We talked on it.
Talking about a French book where a man had every childhood memory come back into his head when he dipped a little mandolin cookie into a lime tea. He had to WRITE it down to remember it.
-Stanley Fish came to our class today and spoke about his blogs and related it to class.
Talked about Obama's inauguration speech being not good because it was parataxis (string things together with easy conjuctions like and....). Which is like a nursery rhyme format, really alliterative, "incantatory" (like incantation) and there's a link to the speech on Kevin's site (to see the rhetorical) to watch and study his techniques.
- *** REMEMBER FOR TEST - 6 things that are conflicts between oral and literate societies. ***
- (Parataxis is like this... you string together phrases with these conjunctions with subordinating anything... everything has equal weight in what you're saying....Can't the literate tradition use this for impact? Yes, look at the book of Mark about what Jesus did... he did this and this and this. Hemingway did this too. Cormack McCarthy does this wonderfully too - "The Road" does it great.)
- Let's do a Flyting together and write it down to blog with!
- AND AND AND AND has much more authenticity and importance than all that High Falluting Educated Language. (Parataxis is important - especially in this class)
**** ASSIGNMENT - You locate the Loci, and a recreation of people around the banquet table. Be prepared to talk about the muses in the 9 places around the class, he'll choose the best system for this.*****
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