Jared and Sutter went.... I had their ifo stored in computer, then my battery died. So if you want to know what they talked about, I'll either update this soon after visiting the muse of their blog or you can go read their muse as well. ;)
Kelsey of the Free Rent- Played "Let it be" - Music, Muses, & Oral Traditions - Music
- Can be an oral tradition - A frame of existence
- Muses called upon before recitings.
- Mother Mary for personal salvation rather than performance.
- Music transcends oral & Literate traditions.
KK Ben - Creating a good story from Vivid Dreams, Personal Experience Memories
- Meaning Making
- Telling Story
Bearded Brandon - Situational and Existential - Abstract (song that never ends) and written to perfection - Song down on print - The song made up on stage, then they forgot the song, then they wrote a tribute and wrote that down, and sung about it (Tribute - Tenacious D). Box in box song. Myse-em-abyme.
ZZ Zach - What he learned - Advantages of the memory theatre
- Being able to reach into that part of your brain
Nick - Flyting as an oral tradition
- David and Goliath
- Beowulf and Unferth
- Greenland Eskimoes verbally abusing on drums
- Inuit excommunicated after losing verbal battles
- 16th Century word contest, chastise with/Scottish poets
- Dunbar and Kennedy - sounds a lot like rap
- Agonistic Oral Cultures
Carly - T.S. Elliot connection for her and class - Interrelated connections of time - Four Quartets circle (Tradition of Individual Talent)
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6 years ago
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